Monday, April 12, 2010

We will love you always Dixie!

She set the stage for her famous speeches in the pilot episode....

Julia, Mary Jo and Charlene are at a Sushi restaurant waiting for Suzanne. A man approaches their table -

MAN: Allow me to introduce myself -- Ray Don Simpson.
JULIA: There's no need for introductions, Ray Don, we know who you are.
RAY DON: (smiling) You do?
JULIA: Of course. You're the guy who is always wherever women gather or try to be alone. You want to eat with us when we're dining in hotels, you want to know if the book we're reading is any good, or if you can keep up company on the plane. And I want to thank you, Ray Don, on behalf of all the women in the world, for your unfailing attention and concern. But read my lips and remember, as hard as it is to believe, sometimes we like talking just to each other, and sometimes we like just being alone.

But perhaps the most classic "terminator tirade" is this one:

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