Friday, December 11, 2009

What do you call those things?

I realize that talking about my various Christmas pajamas would be much aided by the display of photos of each. However, I am not willing to post pictures of me in my pajamas for the world to see. I need one of those old-fashioned things that display dresses...not a mannequin with weird head but just the cloth body on wire that a dressmaker would use. What is that called? At any rate it would be a great way to display the jammies. But for now, allow me to explain. I am not sure if it began the Christmas I was 3 years old or before that; my parents got pajamas for me to wear on Christmas Eve night. A tradition was born. To this day, I get pajamas to wear on Christmas Eve. As I mentioned previously, I have 21 pairs. I have them from all the way back in 5th grade...that fit. Ok, so some of the sleeves are more like 3/4 length now, but who cares. Given the lack of a whatchamacallit, I think I'll go home and devise a way to photograph the pairs. Stay tuned....


  1. It's a dressmakers dummy, which I know because I am so very well read. It's in one of the best books ever, A Prayer for Owen Meany.

    As for the jammies, may I suggest that Vondi and I model them? Perhaps all at once?

  2. Technically, our former modeling consisted of all the pajamas in her drawer - I believe the Christmas pajamas are kept in a separate location. Under lock and key. And with an access code.
