Thursday, August 26, 2010

First and Finest

Since I don't have enough to do (ha ha), after getting emails from our new ADPi Alumnae Chapter President, I decided I needed to get involved. She is doing a fabulous job and encouraged us to help the local chapter (Beta Beta at UTC) with Recruitment. So about an hour ago I dropped off cookies for the girls to munch in preparation for today's Philanthropy party. I had a vision of a wonderful recipe from my friend Kathryn for White Chocolate Cranberry Macadamia Nut cookies. Then I thought, I could make cookies decorated with our letters. Then I thought I am tired and I am buying a box mix. Which is what I did...well two boxes of Double Chocolate to which I did add a bag of white chocolate morsels to jazz it up. They turned out great except that it was a little tricky to get all the chips incorporated. Oh, and in who's world does one box produce 3 dozen cookies? Is that based on a hobbit's rounded teaspoon? I mostly gave up on answering that question years ago but I would like to note that two boxes and a bag of morsels produced 43 normal sized cookies.

Anyway, I took the cookies to the lovely Lindsay Street Hall, where ADPi is holding Recruitment this year.

And to think we were just happy when we had a room with windows and a little molding instead of that stark plain walled room in the middle of the University Center. Though, I wouldn't trade my beloved Furman for any place in the world. Continuing on this theme though, I'll be returning to the hall on Saturday, black dress on (and my pin!), for what we always called Pref Tea but they have referred to as simply Preference. It should be an interesting experience. I am looking forward to meeting some other alumnae. I think this may be the outlet for my volunteering energy after I take my "retired from active duty, paying lesser dues" status with my aforementioned organization that shall not be named. :)

Violets, diamonds, BYA and Pi love to all!

Monday, August 23, 2010

Por favor mantengase alejado de las puertas!

Despite three years of high school classes and two terms at Furman, my Spanish is pretty limited. The most impressive thing I can say in Espanol is what the above phrase, which is what the voice on the monorail at Disney World tells you. It means, "Please stand clear of the doors."

Nevertheless, it is pretty much official that I am going to Peru in October on a mission trip. Once a deacon on the missions committee says something to you about it and then the pastor joyously greets you over it, there really is no turning back. Not that I have any desire to turn back, I am just afraid that something will prevent me from going. It is a lot easier to say, "Oh yeah, I went to Peru, didn't you know?" than, "Well I was supposed to go but fill in the blank happened."

Now it is starting to feel real, well no, more like surreal but close all the same. Saturday, I had my new passport photos taken. That was a joy. I didn't have to put my hair behind my ears last time. I also went to Walgreen's this time for speed and efficiency. But I am now sure that what Erma Bombeck said is true - "when you start to look like your passport photo it is time to go home." Today, I mailed the forms, my old passport, the two photos and of course, the dinero (ooh more Spanish I know!) to the National Passport Processing Center. It is very nerve wrecking. What if I have one of the little staples is crooked and they reject me? What if it doesn't get there or back in time? What if it falls into the black hole of government never to be seen again? There is my first possible fill in the blank for why I didn't get to go to Peru.

Since the word is out, the reality of "you need to prepare for this" hit me. I thought I would go to Barnes and Noble and pick up a book to brush up on my Spanish. If only I was back in my Furman Spanish 12Y class with all those hunks to help me study in grupos de dos. But I digress...I was feeling really good when I walked in and right there in the vestibule of the B&N is a whole rack of Drive and Learn language sets! Bargain priced to boot! I snatched up a Spanish one, refrained from also grabbing the Italian and popped on in the store. I looked for some other things...ok I was in the Children's section getting three more Little House books for my Mawmaw. She whipped through the first two in just a few weeks and is on to the Anne of Green Gables I gave her. I must say I am highly disappointed at the lack of Anne series paperbacks available in the store but I did get the next 3 Little House books.

Anyway... I wandered back to the travel section and picked up the first book on the shelf about Peru. Now this is not really a "traveling" trip so I didn't feel the need to own but just to flip through. First thing in the book is a map....cannot find Alis on the map. Am pretty sure it is somewhat near Huancayo. No sign of it - hmmm, perhaps it is best not to dwell on that. Went on over to the overwhelming display of language materials. Naturally Spanish was one whole section with multiple shelves. How could I possibly know what to choose? Aside from the fact that I was not willing to part with several hundred dollars for Rosetta Stone, though I would have liked to have it. After much thumbing, sideways reading of spines, sitting on one of those stools and staring, I decided I did not want Spanish for Dummies but there seemed to be a lot of different options by Living Languages and with nothing else to go on I thought that must make them reputable. The one I purchased is something like 30 Days to Great Spanish. I figured if I conquered that I could always come back.

Being eager to learn, I drove to work this morning, repeating and singing, "Donde esta? Donde esta? Esta aqui! Esta aqui! Donde esta? Donde esta? Esta alli! Esta alli!" Love it. Can't wait to drive home.

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Mama, who is that man?!

I am a few days late honoring the anniversary of the passing of the King of Rock and Roll...Several years ago (I was in high school) we happened to be in Memphis and visited Graceland on the day after the anniversary of Elvis' death. I know I am a crier anyway but I was unexpectedly touched by all the flowers and tributes to Elvis at his graveside. And I certainly can't watch the Designing Women episide E.P. Phone Home without sobbing!

I imagine that when I uttered the title words at a mere 3 years old, that this was pretty close to what I was seeing on the tv screen. I was mesmerized...and I still am.

Hunka Hunka Burning Love

Blue Hawaii will always be my favorite Elvis movie!

Elvis, "You know that I'll always be loving you."